
This is my blog.

MariaDB Recursive Table Expressions

October 7th, 2021 — I recently learned about recursive expressions in MariaDB. This offers a pretty good solution for dealing with hierarchy data, it isn't perfect but it can...

Posted in Coding

Asterisk Faxing Part 2: Sending Faxes

September 1st, 2021 — Turns out that sending fax is a heck of a lot harder than receiving them. Fax machines all have slightly different quirks around how long before they pick up...

Posted in Asterisk, Coding, VOIP

Font Awesome 5 Pro - without NPM

June 9th, 2021 — Setting up Font Awesome 5 Pro version without a subscription to the NPM repositories.

Posted in Coding, Font Awesome, NPM

Asterisk Faxing Part 1: Receiving Faxes

April 22nd, 2021 — We recently decided to eliminate some legacy fax lines and utilize asterisk's built in fax functionality. It was surprisingly straight forward to do. We...

Posted in Coding, Asterisk, VOIP

Favorite Long Songs

March 26th, 2021 — Some of my favorite longer (more than 10 minutes) songs: Desolation Row (Alternate Take) from Bob Dylan No Direction Home. The original version is fine...

Posted in Music, Apple Music