
This is my blog.

Analytics & NGINX GZIP + HTTP2

March 23rd, 2021 — I added Plausible Anlaytics to the site just to see if any one is visiting (other than bots). Originally the plan was to use Fathom, but I make $0 doing this...

Posted in Meta, Statamic, NGINX

Disabling Asset Cache in Safari While Developing

March 18th, 2021 — I do most of my web development testing in Firefox, and I usually double check things in Safari. Well during the testing of light/dark mode for code...

Posted in MacOS, Safari, Coding

Statamic Code Highlighting with Highlight.js

March 15th, 2021 — How I added code highlighting to the blog, with dark and light mode support use Highlight.js.

Posted in Meta, Coding, Statamic

Statamic RSS/Atom Feed

March 13th, 2021 — How I added an RSS/Atom feed to my Statamic blog.

Posted in Meta, Statamic, Coding

Apple Music Playlist Ordering

March 6th, 2021 — When playlists don't behave, set them right with copy to play order.

Posted in Music, MacOS, Apple Music